After the MO, what does a guy do? Get on the move looking for somethin' good. Back to the Beav, where it should be happening. NOT. A windy day that was lost, followed by a shoulda-coulda-woulda day that saw sunny, calm, windy, snowy, and everything a person needs for some great BWO fishing. NOT. Water was down to 80ish cfs. Clear. And there were bugs. I rose a couple of fish in the morning, and caught one on my last cast late afternoon, but it was pretty dead. The fish are there though. Between one of the afternoon snow squalls, a few bigs came up and it looked like there was potential. For about 15 minutes anyway.
Good forecast for back to a sure thing, and off to Livingston for another day at Depuy's. It was just like it should be. Sunny, pretty warm, just a little wind, and fish rising all day for the most part. We parked in the lower "glory hole" and just went at them until our backs gave out. The Harrop emerging biot midge beat everything hands-down, though we got ate on other flies. Seems there was a fish or two that would take any fly with a perfect drift. Change flies and repeat. Forecast tomorrow for 20-30 gusting to 50 means time to move again. We split up, and I headed to the Fork the next morning.
Other than the wind, the Fork didn't disappoint. Getting a decent drift was next to impossible, but the bugs were there and the fish were on 'em. Mahoganies from about 10:30 to one, overlapped and succeeded by BWO's most of the afternoon. If it only wasn't blowing up and across. Good luck getting a drift, but it did calm down a few times long enough to do just that and take a few decent fish. Not the big 20" jobs, but decent. Lots of "Depuy's" sized ones too (13-15") It was good, would have been great on a calm day. But . . . 15-25 gusting to 40 tomorrow. Off to Silver Creek! Stay tuned, its blowing there too.
Looks like Baetis weather to me |
Last cast at the truck |
Good Morning |
Sure, they're cutties, but the Yellowstone's have a good look |
This "mythical" October Caddis landed on my hand. I was beginning to believe they only existed in books and fly shop blogs. |
Hallowed path |
All brown now. I was the ONLY one on the ranch until about noon. |
Still damn cold, but some snow has melted |
Steady bugs |
Aftermath |
Got some eats on the Mahogany hanger |
LC Cripple Baetis got all the afternoon eats |