An early November visit to sort of end the summer/fall season, and maintain some sanity as winter sets in. It was a good trip, though different in some ways. We couldn't fish the normal waters north of Campeche the first two days due to wind, but we took a detour to the south and fished a "secret" river our outfitter knew of. the first day there was cloudy and calm, and there were tarpon rolling all over the place all day! Day two there was more of a reality check, with just one area of small active fish. The following four days fishing directly out of Campeche were fair, with a few moments of glory, and some times of where the hell are the fish? Mostly mixed, not great, but passable. Fish in a few usual places, and not much else when exploring except a few backs of creeks. No open water schools except at the mouth of that secret river on day one. I'll be returning soon though, hopefully.
Don's First |
Don's biggest. Fish of the trip! |
The "automatic" hole, where nesting cormorants barf up fish, and baitfish gather to eat that, and tarpon gather to eat those! |
Get the fly in there, and its an eat. |
Until next time. Soon. Not soon enough. |