These two days lived up to the hype. My own hype. The clouds, the rain, and oh the bugs. Baetis were on the water from start to finish, morning and afternoon. Thankfully, the Mahoganies did their mid- to late-morning thing just enough, and really got busy in the afternoon. Great hatch right up until 5:30 pm Friday. The bigger fish ate the cripple from even before the hatch, and got on the dun in the middle of the afternoon. Two days of great hatches, fish rising nearly all day, and just a few other friendly anglers. About as good as it gets.
After 6 days of this, I should move on. I haven't though. More sun returning tomorrow. Might be nice to be not-so-cold. Gotta see. This could be the last of the bigger bugs this season. But the MO, the Beav., and the creeks are calling. And what about Silver Creek? I have some water to cover. But I could fish here another week if fishing stayed like this. It probably won't.
That "good morning" grove of trees |
Nice one feeding there |
Who says I'm a "fair weather?" |
I just never get tired of that backdrop |
Mahogany post-orgy (where'd that stonefly come from?) |
Finished here with a few good ones |
Hey, I'm Ambidextrous! |
NICE!!!! Maybe next year I can hit it. A little strange seeing that right handed fish. Are those BWO's or Mahoganies in pic #11? Nice fish by the ramp.....