When its right, its right. A week of near-perfect conditions. Hardly saw the sun at all. Lots of clouds, off and on, showers a few days, BWO's every afternoon, and comfortably cool. One day we stayed back rather than fish in the horizontal rain.
Its the MO, so too many fish pictures and sometimes it was pretty easy, but we could choose the level of difficulty by choosing which water we fished, and how. Some days we fished the main river flat waters and edges, where the "A" game was needed. Others, we fished side channels and slight riffles where all you had to do was get it in there right. Most areas had both, so we could go back and forth from fast textured water to smooth slow flats.
While I was surprised at the October weekday crowds, especially with the inclement weather, there was always a place to go. We fished the top and bottom of Lone Tree, the entire ladder area, and the islands below "high bridge". Didn't see any bugs up above Wolf Creek Bridge the couple of times we went and looked.
Dark-winged flies were most visible, and the "Sri-Lanka BWO Emerger" in a size 20 was just magic. Such a busy, bulky little but, but they loved it. It's an Ebay, 60-cent cheapo special, not a $3.50 House of Harrop masterpiece, but the fish didn't care. They did eat the little Harrop Cripples too though. And the black-wing Adams was a winner in the pods of fish.
Baetis Box One |
Tricky Fish |
Three Legged Cripple |
"High Bridge" Islands |
Foam wing cdc fooled a few |
Many hours on this pod. |
Ah, Montana wilderness fishing at its finest! |
The Glory Hole |
Bi Visible was visible! |
Just relax and stay a while at the mega pod |
Yep, there were bugs |
Harrop Cripple always shines |
This rocked in the pods |
Fly of the Week! "Sri Lanka Emerger." Got the tough ones. |
I'm a believer that CDC is truly the miracle feather, as a book title says. It moves naturally, floats great, is easy to powder, easy to tie with, and not very expensive for what you get. And versatile! Wings, legs, tails, just buggy. Wing of that emerger is cdc and some sort of poly. I'll fill you in.