I needed a break. Fly time. Wader time. Just a few hours. Been a while. Still taking for granted that I have dry fly fishing 365 days a year just 45 minutes from home, water teeming with 'em, nice ones. I usually avoid it in summer because its a congregation of idiots most days. There's current, and a few rapids, so they don't just "splash and giggle." They "paddle and scream!" People walk past you, right next to the fish you're casting to on the bank, and point in the water with their
poles, "Hey, look at that one right there!" Some of the fish are used to it though. Water is higher than ideal, but that helps them to hide easier.
So I went, I saw fish, I got fish to rise, and it was just what I needed. Pretty easy, just like it was supposed to be. I thought I would be hopper fishing, and there were indeed hoppers hopping all over the place, but the fish either ignored or refused. They ate damsels, ants, a little dry soft hackle, and a 16 Triple Double (FOD). Took a change or two for most, but they took it. Upstream, with 5x. Shallower riffles, a few seams, and an inch from the banks. Like I said, easy. Nice break.
The "paddle and scream" crews started floating by at 12:45. Bumper to bumper. This place makes a hot July day on the MO seem like a wildnerness fly-out river. Its narrow, fast, and they line up for 7 miles in an endless parade. Soon school will start, the leaves will change, and there will be more fishermen than screaming idiots. The morning was pleasant though. (Note to self: go a little earlier)
I forgot to grab a camera or two out of the boat before I left, so I did what I did. Friends don't let friends take pictures with telephones, but I guess they really are more than just telephones these days. Still don't like the idea, and I never use my phone over water, but it went in the waterproof wader pouch as I left the truck, and stayed dry for a few shitty pictures to remind myself about August on the Green. It could be a lot worse though. My home lets-go-catch-a-few water could be the South Platte at Deckers, a little creek pounded by Denver and the entire Front Range just an hour away. Or the 'Pan, with such colorful pools as the "toilet bowl." Or a little freestoner full of 10 inchers. But no, I can float, or wade, and catch 20 inchers on dries anytime I want! Hell, I still only fish a tiny part of it. There's 20+ miles of killer water. Overlooked and taken for granted. I should fish closer to home more.
A little greener than February |
Nice riffle to spot fish |
Been a while since this has been tied on |
Oh ya, there's a macro setting. |
Atmosphere going to hell |