And I'm out. The wind was howling when I arrived this morning. Not much early love on the leech, and any bug on the water would have been blown to Boise. After fishing the Indian Rock pool from the far side and wading back across, I went to climb up to the road and noticed a bunch of noses in a scum hole. I hate scum holes, but I stopped to look. They looked like dinks, but one on the bank side had a decent sized tail. I hate scum holes, and this one was also covered in leaves. It was a mess.
I clipped off the leech, clipped back the tippet to about 15 inches so I could maybe cast it into the wind, and tied on a black Adams that I might be able to see. It wasn't easy, but I got some eats. They weren't dinks! They only rose from under the thickest leaves/scum. How they ever saw my fly is a wonder to me, but they did. What they were eating remains a mystery too.
That was about the day. I got a few fish from the top of the riffle at the head of the run on the way out. The wind died down completely by mid afternoon, and I could see some caddis and BWO's on the water, but didn't see any fish on 'em except for a random one-timer here and there. Strange.
November 1, and I'm still fishing in warm sunshine! Might as well go check the 30 cfs trickling Owyhee tomorrow. I'm as close as I've been in a year, and likely as close as I will be for another year.
Yuck. But there were a bunch in there.
Not dinks
Plopping it down |
Could see a bunch of nice ones I didn't catch
Lots of bugs up top late afternoon. No risers.
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