Chowing down, no sipping here. No sirree! Brown drake madness from 7:30 to 9:15. Fish were hunting, swirling, and gulping. Not the high floating adults, but just as they would pop out of the shucks, apparently. Caught fish on the Harrop Cripple, the PHD, and the down-wing "emerger," but that one had to be floating pretty low with the wing down. The floating nymph (PHD) was the one early on. Never got around to fishing the spinner. It was hard to even get the camera out with all the ruckus going on around me. Fish were on the move, and on the hunt. Had to cast quickly to the boils, and lead them a little. The difficulty was guessing which way they were going since it was in every direction. This was one of the best drake evenings I've ever had. Maybe THE best. Easy wading at this flow too (760). I haven't had this much fun with a fly rod since a tarpon was chasing my Seaducer.
The largest western mayfly. #10 long shank! Hell yes. |
The gulls love 'em too |
Not much company in my neighborhood |
One of four I touched. There were more untouched. |
The big aftermaths |
Sailboats isn't an overstatement. They just pop up out of nowhere. |
Last touch, 8:58 it says, both ways. |
Until tomorrow night . . . |
Oh, yeah....