
Stalking trout with dry flies. Floating, wading, and camping along the rivers. Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Winter trips to Mexico.

Jun 28, 2018

Pure Magic

Tonight was the tomorrow night I hoped for last night after seeing the forecast for increasing clouds this afternoon.  The clouds rolled in, and as soon as they did, like clockwork, every brown drake in the river decided to hatch, or so it seemed.  5:30 pm, and I was late!  Both bugs and fish stayed active till dark.

Sometimes everything lines up.  The wind blew, but not enough to stop the hatch or fishing near the high bank where I was positioned.  Enough rain drops fell to make me get the rain jacket, but not long enough to drown the flying bugs or discourage the trout from rising.  Distant thunder was heard, but no lightning was close enough to be a threat.  The parking lot was nearly full, but nobody was near me.  The sun even popped out before finally setting, but didn't affect the swarming hatch at all.

This was, without a doubt, the biggest brown drake hatch I've ever seen.  The kind I've heard rumors about, and read stories about.  Fish were on 'em, big and small.  And they all seemed super charged.  Maybe brown drakes are like an energy drink?  The Ross does need a little more backing.  A couple took it down close!

The star at the center of the trout fishing universe shined brightly this perfect evening.  Cool and cloudy/rainy tomorrow, the computers say . . .
Early afternoon below the log jam, down the trail with a #12 Green Drake Cripple

It fooled this toad, and missed another

Early evening clouds.  There were drakes in the air on the drive into the park!

The only bug I tied on.  Size 10!  No midge/baetis shit here.  Went through a lot of angel dust keeping it dry.

Typical of the ones I hunted

These are bugs, not birds!  Big honkers.

This is one of thousands.

Cool cloud formation while I was waiting to get some line back

When the rain stopped, it was like a postcard.  Breathtaking.

Dodged a bullet.

No prettier river.  No interstate traffic.

My only company in the next pool up.  Had a ton of water to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Jim: wonderful fish and some amazing photos...a truly special place. Like the photos from the river where the banks are glowing in the light.
