Weeds. Lotsa weeds. Must be September. Tricos. Like I, or the fish, care about those. Some are eating them I guess, but I ain't tying one on. No sir. It's 4X and Mahoganies for me. There's a few showing, and a few fish are lookin' for 'em. I hooked some big fish this morning. They all found the weeds, and the 4X broke against such strains. It ain't quite as easy as muscling around cutthroats in a tiny creek. This is life in the weeds, at Millionaires, where the big trout live.
Bumper crop |
Which one you going to eat? |
Its a damaged loop wing PMD. Passed well for a Mahogany |
Weeds and people, plenty of both |
The last big bug of the season |
Always works |
I got this one tonight, somehow, after it did the weed dance. 21". |
Hook-Jawed veteran |
Nice start to Fall season.