Not sure if either Norman or I are ready for this, but what the hell . . . we're going . . . somewhere . . . somehow. In a year of turmoil, he has been the ray of light. Five months old now. We haven't been fishing yet, but did swim and ride in the boat a little. He hasn't spent more than a few hours in the camper yet. Longest road trip has been 2 1/2 hours. He owns the backseat of the truck. I'll abbreviate fishing for sure, so I can train and entertain him. Socialization. River etiquette. About all my body is going to do this year is abbreviated fishing anyway, at best. Our time will do us both good. We'll do a lot of observing. I'll try and catch a few, time it right, explore some new country again. Maybe someday I'll tear 'em up again for a day here and there.
So, Henry's by midnight on the 14th to be "there" for the opener? (First one on Millionaires at daybreak!) Brown Drakes on Silver? (Still haven't ever done that) Straight to the MO to float with Norman? (Low and fishin' hot) Off those beaten paths? (Not quite yet) Got 48 hours to decide. The Fork always wins though.😎 And it'll be cooler for Norman. (Snow in the forecast the day before the opener)
He's got a seat |
On with it |
Here we go sports fans |
Lookin good...pup is ready to Roll!