The times of day it happened were reversed anyway. The rain that toasted the evening bite last night did the same with the morning spinner fall this morning. Never happened. Everything was wet, and not much for bugs or risers 'till around 10ish, despite the clear, calm conditions. The mid-day into afternoon hatch was best, but it got hot today with little to no cloud cover. Not many bigger fish up like yesterday. Just an average morning with average fish. Hooked one good one, and you know what happened there.
Late afternoon winds howled, but I drove back down anyway, thinking it might lay down. As the sun went behind the bluff, it did just that, and the air was instantly full of spinners. It seemed like they all came down at once, and the creek exploded around 7pm. I had the whole place to myself! Big fish, out of nowhere, were all over the place. There were more up at the top, in the riffle, than there were down low. Do they just scoot up there for the spinner fall? Apparently. I saw a hint of that a few nights ago. I caught my 3 best fish of the day in this magic hour, and you shoulda seen the one that got away . . . The picture light was gone behind the streamside bluff, so still no good underwater shots.
Where the hell are all these fish during the day? Hiding behind or in the weeds I presume. So its certain now, the creek's trout population didn't suffer a bit from the flood. Its loaded with nice ones, at least the fly shop pool is. They prefer spinners, and low light.
Morning at the sweet spot |
All the guides must be fishing dry-dropper. Pulled these two pairs of flies from fish this morning. The droppers were hooked in the fishes mouths. |
Evening fish |
The evening fly of choice. I could see it. |
Big fish moved right up into the ankle deep water here, where I have not seen anything over 14 inches or so in the morning or daytime. Kinda like they used to do on the Madison in the evening. |
Big fish of the day, last fish of the day, shitty light. |
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