You'd think that after yesterdays heavier hatch there would be a morning spinner fall. Nooooo! But the sunny day light hatch started on schedule around 10 am and continued through 2 to 3-ish. The plan was to fish the lower part of Betty's and then down into the narrows, but there wasn't anybody at the top under the power line. Leave me that, and I'll take it. It was there I fished both before and after "lunch." When it came time for the evening, I figured those bugs had to lay eggs sometime. A couple hours before sunset, they did just that. There is this place in the middle, above the pond and below the middle hut. Faster water, some depth, and there were some fish in there pushin' water and doin' it. I have fished just below this run a few times, and looked at this 100 foot long section a couple times, but never really knew! I do now. I only hooked a couple of the bigger ones, and didn't get 'em to hand. But I'll likely go back on the last night tomorrow. LAST NIGHT? Fuck, I just got here.
Early and late, it got ate. |
FOD Craven's Mole, PMD style |
Jim's ostrich hanger-ma-thingy, PMD style |
After the hatch in a #16 |
Left bank doin' it. |
Back up toward the big riffle |
First evening with apparent smoke in the air. |
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