I didn't expect Armstrong's to be like two weeks ago, but I guy can hope, can't he? It's early October now, and it fished more like that. I arrived at 8:30 this time, too early but that's ok. The morning midges didn't really happen. There were some, but fish only on 'em sporadically. The rain came and went, mostly came. I managed a few missed takes and a few of fish by 1:00. The fish were picky and moving. Then at just after 1:00, until a little after 4 when the breeze came up, the blue wings did their thing. So did the fish. Picky bastards! I got some eats on tiny Griffith's, Adamses, tiny RS-2 kinda things, that Harrop midge whatchamacallit, and a few different one-timers, but never really found what they wanted for BWO's. At times the place was full of steady rising fish. Then harder rain would put 'em down, then it would stop and the water would come alive again. It was fun! I didn't stop all day. 7X gets better drifts with tiny shit than 6X. You lose more flies with 7X. My eyes are watering, vision still blurry, and I still have the glare in my eyes. #22's would have worked better than 20's. I sure miss warm days and big old PMD's. But this is it now, and for the next 7 months, if and when I can get out in the winter. Snowing over the pass this evening. Ugghhh.
First one here! |
Dream sky. No wind. But, no bugs? |
They will rise here. Home. |
See. |
Fly of the morning, so it was. |
Mid afternoon in between showers |
All the picturesque rainbows broke free, slipped away, or were never netted. |
This showed promise, tiny little near-invisible damn thing. |
Late afternoon was nice. Breeze at 4 put 'em down. |
Late day shadows |
I forgot to shoot this one on the water. Its a "fold-over," hackle-stacker type tiny-ass blue wing emerger that the guy in Sweetwater Fly Shop said he liked for the baetis. Good recommendation! When local fly shop dude suggests, listen. Besides, I don't want to tie any of these in a 20-22 except at home, with a ton of light and the big magnifying glass. Maybe. Support the little fly shops. Keep flies coming into the bins. Its how we learn. Livingston shops are the best. (Bob, this has your name written all over it!) |
So ok, Fishnflys is on the MO and says its still lights-out, or at least pretty good. Wolf Creek Bridge access/camp is all tore up and closed. Guess I should go check in. Supposed to blow a little in Livingston tomorrow. I'll be back through again. Or should I just go hit Depuy's in the morning? I ain't quite MO'd out.
Jim : Love those flies. I need to study and copy some of them this winter for next season. Like that baetis emerger...
Thanks Bob. My fly addiction is well documented.